Sunday, March 1, 2009

The many faces of Meghan Collison

I don't even have a month since I "met" Meghan Collison (btw, thanks Pony Ryder!) and let me tell you, I'm speechless. Obviously she's not the typical model, hope you understand what I mean...

I think I've got a new favorite model in my list, lately I have been searching anything about her at The Fashion Spot and Bellazon, well, not lately lately but in my free time.
A curious fact is that her real name is Meagan, but she prefers to be named Meghan. I don't see any difference but ok...

Also hope to see more about her in campaigns, editorials, anything will be good!!

Her many faces @Fashion Week

BFF? Meg with Hanne Gaby Odiele

She seems to be wearing leather jackets all the time, cool!


  1. Hey, I really love your blog. Its quite unique and stylish.
    Would you like to do a link exchange?

  2. :) wow, you welcome. she is really great person. the one whose word has meaning.
